Sports Betting Book Reviews
(sorted alphabetically)
“Beat the Sports Books-An Insider's Guide to Betting the NFL” by Dan Gordon has loads of details on how to handicap NFL games. This is a past-time that requires a lot of research and work, and this book points you towards how to do that. While this book is generally about handicapping, it also includes explanations of different kinds of bets (spreads, over-under, parlays, parlay cards, reverses, teasers) and it describes how the Las Vegas Sports Consultants set their lines each week. Overall this book is well worth it.
“Complete Guide to Football Betting” by Jim Feist and Kelso Sturgeon have over 50 years of combined sports betting experience, and have put together a book that shows it. Together, they share strategies and analysis with you that has worked well for them for decades. This book talks about the basics of handicapping football and also tells about choosing and dealing with a bookmaker. A very entertaining and informative book on this subject!
“Fixed Odds Sports Betting” by Joseph Buchdahl is written to help sports bettors beat their bookies. Buchdahl approaches winning at sports betting by using math, and his ideas and descriptions work well on this side of the world, even though it was written for a British audience. Generally, this is an interesting book for sports bettors.
“How Professional Gamblers Beat the Pro Football Pointspread” by J.R. Miller contains lots of information about handicapping pro football games, and has a great explanation about how to create power rankings. Mr. Miller also does makes a point of talking about some pitfalls that you can run into when putting these methods into practice. It’s an excellent book that pro football bettors would do well to own.
“How to Beat the Dog Races” by Bill McBride is a how-to book and is also packed with lots of features of dog racing and ideas of how to use them. The book includes many helpful charts and a great glossary of greyhound racing terms. This is a book that is aimed at intermediate to advanced dog race bettors. If you’re a rookie, you should definitely read a more basic book before hitting the tracks.
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“It’s unusual for a woman to love sports betting as much as I do, but there you go! This site has been a great help in locating the right book for me. Thanks Simon!”
Celia Ryan – Pickaway, OH
