General Gambling Book Reviews
(sorted alphabetically)
“American Casino Guide” by Steve Bourie is a great resource! With an updated version each year since 1998, it not only contains a list of legal casinos across the US, but the first 200 pages or so include tons of interesting stories about gambling and interviews with some real characters. There is also some detailed gambling guidance, given by various experts. This informative book is great for gamblers of all skill levels and there are lots of coupons in the back of the book. This is a fabulous resource if you’re going on a casino road trip!
“American Mensa Guide to Casino Gambling” by Andrew Brisman is the perfect book for those who think they know everything there is to know about your every day casino games those who know they don’t know very much about it. If you've ever visited a casino, you know how easy it is to get overwhelmed by flashing lights and sounds, and how that might sway your decision to play a certain game or not. This book is also quite fun to read, and technical enough to be useful to rookies and intermediate gamblers, large amount of information in one book.
“Beat the House” by Frederick Lembeck is a book on nothing but betting systems. If that’s what you want to study up on, this would be a good book for you This book describes 16 ways to win at craps, baccarat, blackjack, roulette, and other games using a range of forms of cash management and systems. This is a good book for people who want to get the greatest value out of a fixed bankroll but don’t have a lot of time to spend in the casinos working out systems on their own.
“Casino Games” by John Gollehon is a clear and understandably written book that excels in explaining the basics of all the popular casino games! The explanations of the games include understandable rules and anecdotes of Mr. Gollehon's gambling adventures and an assortment of people he has met. He also throws in some good money management information as well.
“Casino Gambling for the Winner” by Lyle Stuart combines honest information with myths in an interesting way. The author also gives a realistic sense of what it is like to play and gamble in the Casinos in Vegas and Atlantic City, and he knows percentages and how to use them. His other advice on gambling is very helpful.
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