Poker Book Reviews
(sorted alphabetically)
“52 Tips for Texas Hold'em Poker” by Barry Shulman and Mark Gregorich is an introductory book on playing limit Texas Hold'em. This book will give someone who has little or no Hold'em experience a basic strategy that will add to their enjoyment and their bankroll. It presents a strategy that keeps you away from some common hazards in this game that can rapidly eat into your bankroll.
“According to Doyle” by Doyle Brunson, is one of the greatest poker players ever and fills his book with entertaining stories about his life as a professional poker player. His heyday is from before the huge growth of casino poker that has taken the gambling world by storm in the last 2 decades. This is a book for hardcore poker fans, who want to hear some great stories from that bygone era of backroom high-stakes games.
“All In: The (Almost) Entirely True Story of the World Series of Poker” by Jonathan Grotenstein and Storms Reback is a highly entertaining chronicle of the history of this famous poker tournament. There are few people around today that haven’t heard of the WSOP, and this book gives the history of how it started, and how it’s become the huge success that it is today. This is a book for the poker enthusiast who would like to read some great stories about the most famous poker tournament in the world, and those that have made it what it is.
“Annie Duke - How I Raised, Folded, Bluffed, Flirted, Cursed, and Won Millions” by Annie Duke and David Diamond chronicles the life of this amazing woman who is one of the few females to make it to the top in the professional poker world. There is very little concrete poker playing advice in this book, as it’s more of a memoir. Annie is a fascinating person from a fascinating family, and this book is highly entertaining read about a very colorful character.
“Big Deal” by Anthony Holden is more of a novel than a "how to" book about poker. In it, he describes his year of professional poker playing, though his skill level is far from that of a true pro. He is best known as a writer, with poker playing being a passionate hobby, and he wanted to find out what it was like to live the life of a professional poker player. He traveled the world, playing in numerous tournaments, and meeting many colorful characters, and gives us a very entertaining book filled with his experiences. You won’t learn about how to play poker from this book, but you will definitely enjoy the stories Mr. Holden spins.
“Caro's Book of Poker Tells” by Mike Caro is just what the title says; a book about Poker Tells. If you don’t know what a tell is, you should probably pick this book up right away. But for this review: a “tell” is an movement or sound that might give away some information about how good or bad the player’s hand is. This book goes through the tells in 4 sections, called: "Tells From Those Who Are Unaware", "Tells From Actors", "Some General Tells", and "The Sounds of Tells". A very important book for those interested in playing live poker for serious money, but of no help to those wanting to play online for obvious reasons.
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